How I got here. Part Two.

After my son was born, my endocrinologist and I laid out a plan. I was to continue on thyroid meds to try to get my levels somewhat in control so that we could move onto surgery. It took eight months for my levels to be acceptable enough to get put under for surgery. In the meantime, I was still very sick, working, taking care of a newborn and 4 year old and nursing full time. (Side note, women are amazing!) My partial thyroidectomy was in March of 2019. Surgery went great and I was back to work in five days. I felt great for two weeks and then literally overnight, I swung EXTREMELY hypothyroid. Think of the most intense brain fog and exhaustion you’ve ever experienced and that is what I felt like 24/7. After we adjusted my medicine…again!…my numbers finally got better.

But let’s back up just a bit. Every single woman I know that has had a baby, has gone through the dreaded postpartum hair loss period. It usually hits around month four and lasts 6-8 weeks. So, I had hair breakage due to my thyroid medicine WHILE pregnant, hair loss due to uncontrolled thyroid levels WHILE pregnant and then a few months later I was going through the postpartum hair loss stage. I was DONE.

I made a vow to learn to love my natural hair. No more bleaching. No more heat.

To be continued…


How I got here. Part Three.


How I got here. Part One.