This is super important information for those looking to book an appointment with me.

It’s not showing any openings for years when I try to book an appointment.

Currently, my online booking is only open 4 weeks in advance. If you try to book an appointment and nothing is showing for anytime in the near future, it is because there are currently no openings. Remember my current clientele gets access to my booking first, so openings are VERY hard to come by. The “About” section on my booking site can help explain how my schedule opens up.

I’ve been searching for an appointment for weeks and nothing is available.

It can be super frustrating…I hear you and I’m so sorry. Appointments are hard to snag. Please remember I am only one person that is trying my best to accommodate everyone who would like to sit in my chair. Unfortunately, it isn’t possible to get everyone in. That being said, YOU WILL HAVE TO BOOK YOUR APPOINTMENT ONLINE YOURSELF. I can’t book it for you by email/phone. My best piece of advice is to keep checking when you can. Cancellations are posted on my Instagram Stories and are first come first serve.

How should I prep my hair for a curl appointment?

Please come in with your waves/curls clean, dry and detangled. Minimal product in your hair is best. Please no braids or ponytails. Failure to have your curls not in the correct state could result in cancellation of the appointment.

I live too far away to get into you chair but still need advice for my curls.

Emails/Messages are always OK to send. With that being said, I may have time to respond and I may not. I am the one answering all the emails and messages and sometimes I’m just too busy to respond. Please don’t take offense. Keep in mind, I post content on Instagram and TikTok to help you out without you needing to sit in my chair.

I sent an email a week ago and still don’t have a response from you.

I’ll be the first to admit to you…I HATE sending emails. Yes, it’s part of my job, but sitting here, typing on a computer is misery to me. (Maybe that’s why I am a Hair Stylist.) I also tend to procrastinate because most of the emails that are sent to me, are for questions that can be answered right here on my website. Don’t worry, I will get back to you, but it might take a bit of time. I do my best to respond to emails weekly. I usually respond on Mondays/Thursdays as those are my days off. Be patient and I’ll do my best to get back to you in a timely manner.