Social Media

Never in my life did I think I would be considered an “influencer”, but here we are. I started my TikTok during the covid shutdown. I would post whenever I felt compelled or thought I had created a really cool video. Rarely did I get over 100 views. Until one day, I hit the algorithm just right. I posted a before/after video of a new client who had booked for a curly cut and it went huge. A few days later, when that video was still trending, I posted another quick video about myself and it went even BIGGER. I went from 54 followers to over 100,000 in a few days. It was absolutely insane and I was way over my head. At the time, I was a 33 year old mom/wife/curl specialist who had no idea what I was doing. I didn’t learn about social media in college or beauty school. I felt so overwhelmed and frankly, OLD. But regardless of all the little voices of doubt and negative comments, I pushed on. I would watch other content creators, I read articles, downloaded apps and came up with a REALISTIC routine for when I could edit and post content. I still have so much to learn, but I’m incredibly proud of how far I’ve come and how much I’ve learned ON MY OWN in the last few years. I really enjoy editing/posting content and I think that makes all the difference. It doesn’t feel like a chore. Regardless of where this part of my career takes me, you’ll never see me as a full time content creator or influencer. I love working behind the chair too much. Real and genuine human interactions and connection is what I live for.


My Top 3 Favorite Curly Hair Products Of ‘22